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The Dunkerque 2010 Declarations

The two political declarations, The Dunkerque 2010 Local Sustainability Declaration and The Dunkerque 2010 Call on Climate Action, have been approved by acclamation during the closing plenary on 21 May. They have been presented to the high-level representatives of the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the Spanish EU Presidency and the European Commission. (For more pictures, click here)

In an ever changing economic, political and strategic background, 2010 is a landmark year for the recognition of local autonomy and territorial cohesion. The Lisbon Treaty enters into force, but there are still many uncertainties on how economic growth and sustainability will or can be managed.

The Dunkerque 2010 Local Sustainability Declaration states that we must make the transition to a sustainable, green and inclusive economy, as current models are resource and energy intensive and cannot stand up to a changing economic climate. It demands that we prioritise investments and manage resources in a more efficient and greener way to enhance citizens’ quality of life. European cities and town must ensure that all citizens can fully take part in a low carbon lifestyle. By accepting the declaration participants made it clear that change can only be made with the support of national and international governments and institutions.

The Dunkerque 2010 Local Sustainability Declaration EN  FR

The Dunkerque 2010 Call on Climate Action insists that local governments send strong messages to national and international governments so the disappointment of COP15 and the Copenhagen Accord are not repeated. Reduction targets must be more ambitious if we are to come to a meaningful post 2012 climate agreement. This declaration also recognises that if we are to reach a low carbon, climate resilient and green economy in Europe, local and regional governments must be a fully integrated party.

The Dunkerque 2010 Call on Climate Action EN  FR

Two political messages that aim to influence sustainable policies

Following the Dunkerque 2010 conference, the two declarations have been sent to targeted representatives of the Council of Europe, the European Commission, the Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the EU Presidency and several national governments, accompanied by an official letter with specific requests to each of these institutions to use these declarations in their respective work and policy making.

The Dunkerque 2010 Call on Climate Action has also been distributed to all national delegation and international organisation representatives who attended the Climate Change Talks which took place in Bonn from 31 May to 11 June 2010, together with an official letter asking them to include or maintain specific references to local governments in the text of the international climate agreement currently under discussion. This political message will serve as a support document and will be carried over to subsequent Climate Change Talks and other meetings until COP16 in Mexico.