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Climate action plan

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The Kyoto Protocol, which was ratified by France among others, establishes targets regarding greenhouse gas emissions. Due to its low levels of CO2 emissions in the area of electricity production, France has to maintain the same level of greenhouse gas emissions in 2010 as in 1990.

The National Climate Plan, which was ratified by the French government in July 2004, decides on the measures by which these targets should be reached and goes even further by aiming to implement “Factor 4” by 2050 – a plan to reduce CO2 emissions by a factor of 4 by 2050. This plan also recommends that the Territorial Climate Plans (PCT-Plans Climat Territoriaux) should be implemented at all levels of local action: regional, departmental and communal.

A territorial climate plan is a programme of action which aims at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and anticipating predictable effects of climate change, including the reduction of biodiversity, increased natural hazards and the availability of resources.

In this regard, the Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque is one of seven communities which has been selected for the implementation of a territorial climate plan after a call for projects launched by the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region and the Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME – l’Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Énergie).

The climate plan of Dunkerque and its suburbs, led by Louardi Boughedada, vice-president for Energy and the Climate Plan, includes several sections:

    * Internal: the Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque as a role model
    * External: bringing the socio-economic and institutional actors of the territory together around ambitious targets regarding the reduction of greenhouse gases
    * Participation: increasing the inhabitants’ awareness and accompanying them in the implementation of measures which reduce their ecological footprint.

Several thematic areas of work are being implemented: economic activity, energy efficiency, reducing CO2 emissions, public equipment and local energy resources, city design, transport, accommodation, green space management, environmental awareness and education, as well as new energy technology.


Downloading the Climate Plan Presentation document (french-pdf, 120 Ko)