We are very pleased to share the world-class line up of speakers who will contribute to 6th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns.
Speakers were selected to represent a wide range of leading edge knowledge and experience related to urban sustainability and local government commitments:
For more information on the speaker and his/her program contribution, please click on their pictures.
The list of conference speakers will be continuously developed in the coming months.
Maria Berrini Chairperson of Ambiente Italia Research Institute |
Jeb Brugmann Urban Strategy Expert; Innovation Consultant; author |
Bob Evans Professor at the Sustainable Cities Research Institute and the School of the Built Environment; Former Director of the Sustainable Cities Research Institute |
Bruno Lanvin Executive Director, eLAB, INSEAD, France; Chair, Global Agenda Council on the Future of Government |
Konrad Otto Zimmerman Secretary General, ICLEI |
Yann Arthus-Bertrand Photographer; Film-maker (“Home”), France |
Jeremy Rifkin President, Foundation on Economic Trends; best-selling author |
Katherine Richardson Chairperson of the Danish Commission on Climate Change Policy; Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen |
Gino Van Begin Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI; Regional Director, ICLEI European Secretariat |
Steve Waller Sustainability Advisor, Improvement & Development Agency for Local Government, UK |
Joan Antoni Baron Deputy Mayor for Environment of Barcelona Province, Spain |
Klaus Bondam Deputy Mayor, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Emanuele Burgin President of Coordinamento Local Agenda 21 Italy |
Andrée Buchmann Vice President of the Metropolitan Council of Strasbourg, Regional councillor for Alsace, France |
Myriam Cau Vice-President responsible for Sustainable Development, Regional Council Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France |
Carl Cederschiöld Mayor Emeritus of Stockholm, Sweden |
Gerard Collomb Senator-Mayor of Lyon, President of the Lyon Urban Community, France |
Flo Clucas CoR Member; Deputy Council Leader, Liverpool, UK |
Ronan Dantec Deputy Mayor of Nantes; President of working group on climate change, Eurocities |
Michel Destot Member of French Parliament, President of the AMGVF (Association des Maires de Grandes Villes de France), Mayor of Grenoble, France |
Michel Delebarre Former Minister of State; Mayor of Dunkerque; President of the Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque; Chair of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion (COTER), France |
Tommy Eggers Alderman for the Public Utility Department, Aalborg, Denmark |
Alison Hay Councillor, Argyll and Bute, UK; Spokesperson for Environment and Sustainability, COSLA |
Henning G. Jensen Mayor of Aalborg, Denmark |
Alain Juppé Former Prime Minister, Mayor of Bordeaux, France |
Thomas Kastrup-Larsen Alderman for Health and Sustainable Development, Aalborg, Denmark |
Zvonimir Mršić Mayor, Koprivnica, Croatia |
Patxi Lazcoz Mayor, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain |
Anne Le Strat Deputy Mayor of Paris responsible for water, France |
Atanaska Nikolova Deputy Mayor, Burgas, Bulgaria |
Juri Ratas Vice- President of the Riigikogu (parliament), Estonia |
André Rossinot Mayor of Nancy, Former Minister, President of the Metropolitan Community of the Larger Nancy, France |
Manuela Rottmann Councillor, City of Frankfurt, Germany |
Dominique Voynet Former Minister of Environment; Mayor, Montreuil, France |
Stephan Hugo Winters State Secretary, Hamburg, Germany |
Johannes Hahn Commissioner for Regional Policy, European Commission |
István László Bart, Policy Officer, Adaptation unit, DG Climate Action, European Commission |
Gaye Doganoglu Chair of the Committee on Sustainable Development, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Council of Europe |
Michèle Pappalardo General commissioner for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Ecology, France |
Fabrizio Barbaso Deputy Director General, DG Energy, European Commission |
Janez Potočnik Commissioner for Environment, European Commission |
Jo Leinen Member, European Parliament |
Khaled Awad Founder of Grenea, CEO of Advanced Construction Technology Services |
Stéphane Quéré Senior Vice President, Sustainable Urbanization, GDF Suez |
Antoine Frérot CEO, Veolia, France |
Cyrille du Peloux CEO, Veolia Transport |
Henri Proglio Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Electricité de France |
Augustin De Romanet General Director, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations |
Lars Tveen, CEO, Danfoss District Energy, Denmark |
Ziad Tassabehji CEO, Windcliff Group |