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Friday 21 May

The final day will allow a political debate on the challenges and responsibilities ahead for cities and their national governments in tackling climate change after COP-15 in Copenhagen. The concluding highlight of Dunkerque 2010 will consist in conveying a political message to Europe and the World on climate and the wider local sustainability agenda.



Highlights of day 2


Next Climate Conference  – COP-16 in Mexico: Responsibilities ahead for local and national governments (Panel Discussion P6)

How can European local governments position themselves as willing partners to lead and to cooperate on emission reductions and innovative solutions? What are the challenges ahead for local and national governments towards achieving EU emission reduction targets and reaching an international climate agreement? How can international organisations and other sectors facilitate their cooperation?

Facilitator: Alex Taylor, Journalist and professional moderator

  • First panellists confirmed include:
    Rosario Bento Pais, Head of Adaptation, DG Climate; Climate Negotiator, European Commission
    Mercedes Bresso, President of the Committee of the Regions; President of Piemont Region, Italy
    Ronan Dantec, Deputy Mayor of Nantes; President of working group on climate change, Eurocities, France
    Michel Destot, President of AMGVF; Mayor of Grenoble, France;
    Ken Livingstone, Former Mayor of London, International urban adviser, London, UK;
    Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.
  • Additional Mayors, as well as representatives of national governments and international organisations will provide input.


Coffee break & Agora presentations


A Europe of sustainable cities (Plenary P7)

Presentation of the key findings and messages of the 6th ESCT Conference, and presentation by high level representatives of European institutions of their approaches to support local and regional level initiatives towards sustainability in the upcoming years.

  • Key findings and messages
    Michel Delebarre delivers the Dunkerque 2010 message to high level representatives from European and national governments

  • Statements from European High-Level Representatives
    Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Regional Policy, European Commission
    Janez Potočnik, Commissioner for Environment, European Commission
    Jo Leinen, Member of European Parliament, Chair of the Committe on Environment (tbc)
    Elena Espinosa Mangana, Spanish Minister for the Environment, EU Presidency (tbc)
    Ian Micallef, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

  • Conclusions
    Jean-Louis Borloo, Minister of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea, France

  • Farewell message


Farewell Lunch & Agora presentations


Study Visits

Study visit 1: Site 11/19, a benchmark for sustainable development

Study visit 2: Industrial ecology: the Dunkerque example

Study visit 3: Explore the aluminium lifecycle: from production to recycling

Study visit 4: Discover the “Grand Large”, Dunkerque’s new seaside eco-district

Study visit 5: Sustainable communities: construction, renovation, and information

Study visit 6: Biodiversity and differentiated management of green spaces

Study visit 7: Water in Dunkerque – a sustainable approach

Study visit 8: The Dunkerque heritage, a catalyst for sustainable development

Study visit 9The Greater Metropolitan area – territory of innovation and contemporary creation