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We are very pleased to share the world-class line up of speakers who will contribute to 6th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns.

Speakers were selected to represent a wide range of leading edge knowledge and experience related to urban sustainability and local government commitments:


For more information on the speaker and his/her program contribution, please click on their pictures.
The list of conference speakers will be continuously developed in the coming months.

International Experts

Maria Berrini

Chairperson of Ambiente Italia Research Institute

Jeb Brugmann

Urban Strategy Expert; Innovation Consultant; author

Bob Evans

Professor at the Sustainable Cities Research Institute and the School of the Built Environment; Former Director of the Sustainable Cities Research Institute

Jean-Marc Fleury

Executive Director of the World Federation of Science Journalists

Bruno Lanvin

Executive Director, eLAB, INSEAD, France; Chair, Global Agenda Council on the Future of Government

Ken Livingstone

Urban adviser, United Kingdom

Rejendra Pachauri

Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2007

Jeremy Rifkin

President, Foundation on Economic Trends; best-selling author

Katherine Richardson

Chairperson of the Danish Commission on Climate Change Policy; Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen

Gino Van Begin

Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI; Regional Director, ICLEI European Secretariat

Local Leaders

Joan Antoni Baron

Deputy Mayor for Environment of Barcelona Province, Spain

Klaus Bondam

Deputy Mayor, Copenhagen, Denmark

Emanuele Burgin

President of Coordinamento Local Agenda 21 Italy

Abel Caballero

Mayor of Vigo, Spain ; President of the Spanish Cities for Climate

Carl Cederschiöld

Mayor Emeritus of Stockholm, Sweden

Gerard Collomb

Senator-Mayor of Lyon, President of the Lyon Urban Community, France

Michel Destot

Member of French Parliament, President of the AMGVF (Association des Maires de Grandes Villes de France), Mayor of Grenoble,France

Michel Delebarre

Former Minister of State; Mayor of Dunkerque; President of the Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque; Chair of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion (COTER), France

Tommy Eggers

Alderman for the Public Utility Department, Aalborg, Denmark

Lisbeth Iversen

Councillor, Bergen, Norway

Henning G. Jensen

Mayor of Aalborg, Denmark

Alain Juppé

Former Prime Minister, Mayor of Bordeaux, France

Thomas Kastrup-Larsen

Alderman for Health and Sustainable Development, Aalborg, Denmark

Imma Mayol Beltran

Deputy Mayor, Barcelona, Spain

Alfredo Sánchez Monteseirín

Mayor of Sevilla, Spain

Juri Ratas

Vice- President of the Riigikogu (parliament), Estonia

André Rossinot

Mayor of Nancy, Former Minister, President of the Metropolitan Community of the Larger Nancy, France

Manuela Rottmann

Councillor, City of Frankfurt, Germany

Dominique Voynet

Former Minister of Environment; Mayor, Montreuil, France

Stephan Hugo Winters

State Secretary, Hamburg, Germany

National government and EU institution representatives

Jean-Louis Borloo

Minister of the Environment, Energy, Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning, France

Mercedes Bresso

President of the Committee of the Regions; President of the Piemont Region, Italy

Johannes Hahn

Commissioner for Regional Policy, European Commission

Ian Micallef

President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

Dubravka Šuica

Vice-President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe