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Wednesday 19 May

The opening day explores how sustainability policies help local governments to respond to current financial, social and climate challenges. It opens with an inspirational vision of a sustainable city, followed by related key-note speeches and an interactive plenary debate among participants that will inform further plenaries. Parallel sessions will bring a closer look at innovative European local achievements.


Registration opens


Opening (Plenary P1)


  • Michel Delebarre, Former Minister of State, Mayor of Dunkerque, President of the Metropolitan Council of   Dunkerque, Chair of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion (COTER), Committee of the Regions, France
  • Daniel Percheron, President of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Regional Council; Senator of Pas-de-Calais, France (tbc)
  • Gérard Collomb, Mayor of Lyon; President of the Metropolitan Council of Lyon; President of ACUF
  • Gino Van Begin, Regional Director for Europe, ICLEI -Local Governments for Sustainability
  • Emanuele Burgin, Province of Bologna; President of Agende 21 Locali Italiane, Italy

Europe 2050 - Where are cities going?

Presentation of what a sustainable city could look like, outlining an inspirational vision for the future and highlighting shifts in policies and development that are necessary to achieve this vision.

  • Picturing the city of the future
    Yann Arthus-Bertrand
    , Photographer; Film-maker (“Home”), France (tbc)

  • Anatomy of our urbanizing planet
    Jeb Brugmann, Urban Strategy and Innovation Consultant; Initiator of Local Agenda 21; Author, Canada


Coffee break & Agora presentations


Climate change, economic crisis and social challenges (Plenary P2)

What are the current challenges for local governments in Europe? What is the role of the sustainable city concept in the struggle to restructure the global economy, secure employment and fight climate change? How can it help our societies to cope with demographic shifts, migrations and integration challenges? Can sustainability be further implemented under reduced financial and depleted natural resources?

Facilitator: Jean-Marc Fleury, Executive Director of the World Federation of Science Journalists, Canada

  • Climate change and environmental challenges
    Katherine Richardson
    , Chairperson of the Danish Commission on Climate Change Policy; Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

  • A world in crisis: The Empathic Civilization
    Jeremy Rifkin
    , President of the Foundation on Economic Trends; Bestselling author, USA

Reactions from European mayors


Lunch & Agora presentations


Interactive debate: Turning challenges into solutions - The local approach (Plenary Debate P3)

Local government representatives discuss what they can do and what changes in framework conditions they need at the national and EU levels. In small round table groups supported by a facilitator, participants have the opportunity to interact and discuss questions in depth among themselves. The outcomes of the debate will be captured to feed further plenaries.


Coffee break & Agora presentations


Innovative solutions to local challenges (Parallel sessions A) 

A1 - New challenges for port cities

A2 - Sustainable mobility choices and accessibility

A3 - Building: the challenge of the existing stocks

A4 - Quality of Life - Strengthening local economy

A5 - Socially inclusive societies

A6 - Encouraging responsible consumption and waste reduction in urban areas

A7 - Adaptation to climate change - Building local strategies

A8 - Local renewable energy

A9 - Biodiversity

A10 - Towards a water-sensitive city


End of day 1


Evening reception and dinner