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P1- Opening Plenary
(Wednesday 19 May, 9.30-11.00)

Michel Delebarre, Former Minister of State, Mayor of Dunkerque, President of the Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque, Chair of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion (COTER), Committee of the Regions, France ; Myriam Cau, Vice-President responsible for Sustainable Development, Regional Council Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France ; Michèle Pappalardo, Commissionner for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Ecology, France ; Gino Van Begin, Regional Director for Europe, Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI -Local Governments for Sustainability ; Emanuele Burgin, Province of Bologna; President of Agende 21 Locali Italiane, Italy ; Jeb Brugmann, Urban Strategy and Innovation Consultant; Initiator of Local Agenda 21; Author, Canada


P2- Climate change, economic crisis and social challenges
(Wednesday 19 May, 11.30-13.00)

Steve Waller, Sustainability Advisor, Improvement & Development Agency for Local Government, UK ; Katherine Richardson, Chairperson of the Danish Commission on Climate Change Policy; Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark ; Jeremy Rifkin, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends; Bestselling author, USA ; Dominique Voynet, Former Minister of Environment, Mayor of Montreuil, France ; Manuela Rottmann, Councillor, City of Frankfurt, Germany ; Fabrizio Barbaso, Deputy Director General, DG Energy, European Commission


P3- Interactive debate: Turning Challenges into solutions
(Wednesday 19 May, 14.30-16.00)


Sub-Plenaries C1 - C2 - C3 : Cooperation on Eco-efficient and resilient Urban Infrastructure

(Thursday 20 May, 11.30-13.00)

C1  - Building and Construction

Augustin De Romanet, General Director, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, France ; Stéphane Quéré, Senior Vice President, Sustainable Urbanization, GDF Suez ; Antoine Frérot, CEO, Veolia, France ; Lars Tveen, CEO, Danfoss District Energy, Denmark ; Carl  Cederschiöld, Mayor Emeritus; President of CEEP (European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public services), Stockholm, Sweden ; Flo Clucas, CoR Member; Deputy Council Leader, Liverpool, UK ; Khaled Awad, Founder of Grenea, CEO of Advanced Construction Technology Services, Former Director of Property Development, Masdar City Initative, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates ; Norbert Schröder-Klings, Head, Urban Planning and Development, Freiburg, Germany


C2  - Utilities: Energy and Water
Henri Proglio, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Electricité de France, France ; Anne Le Strat, Deputy Mayor in charge of water, Paris, France ; Atanaska Nikolova, Deputy Mayor, Burgas, Bulgaria ; Ziad Tassabehji, Founder of Grenea, Former Director of Utilities and Asset Management, Masdar City Initative, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates ; Tommy Eggers, Alderman for The Public Utility Department,Aalborg,Denmark ; Jeb Brugmann, Urban Strategy and Innovation Consultant; Initiator of Local Agenda 21; Author, Canada ; Alison Hay, Councillor, Argyll and Bute, UK; Spokesperson for Environment and Sustainability, COSLA


C3  - Mobility and Logistics

Sherif El Diwany, Director, Head of Middle East and North Africa and Arab Business Council,World Economic Forum ; Zvonimir Mršić, Mayor, Koprivnica, Croatia ; Patxi Lazcoz, Mayor, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain ; Cyrille du Peloux, CEO, Veolia Transport, France ; Bernard Emsellem, Director General for Ecomobility, SNCF (French National Railways), France ; Andrée Buchmann, Vice President of the Metropolitan Council of Strasbourg, Regional councillor for Alsace, France


P4- Connected and committed - Progress of local sustainability in Europe
(Thursday 20 May, 14.30-16.00)

Maria Berrini, President of the Ambiente Italia Research Institute, Milan, Italy ; Henning G. Jensen, Mayor of Aalborg, Denmark ; Thomas Kastrup-Larsen, Alderman for Health and Sustainable Development, Aalborg, Denmark ;  Joan Antoni Baron, Mayor of Mataró; Environmental Councillor, Barcelona Provincial Council, Spain ; André Rossinot, Mayor of Nancy, President of the Metropolitan Community of the Larger Nancy, France ; Klaus Bondam, Deputy Mayor of Copenhagen, Denmark


P5- Champion and newcomers
(Thursday 20 May, 16.30-17.30)

Bob Evans, Professor at the Sustainable Cities Research Institute and the School of the Built Environment; Former Director of the Sustainable Cities Research Institute, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK ; Jüri Ratas, Vice-President of the Riigikogu (National Parliament), Estonia ; Carl Cederschiöld, Mayor Emeritus of Stockholm; President of CEEP, Sweden ; Stephan Hugo Winters, State Secretary, Hamburg, Germany ; Henning G. Jensen, Mayor of Aalborg, Denmark


Aalborg signatories

Ismael A. Seguí Hernández, Ajuntament de Gaianes, Spain ; Franco Loris Greco, Comune di Cerisano, Italy ; Vincent Allier, Nimes Metropole, France ; Agim Veliu, Komuna e Podujeves, Kosovo ; Gaspar Pérez Fuster, La Font d'en Carròs, Spain ; Ousmane Dramé, Municipality of Nioro du Rip, Senegal ; Marco Falvio Cirillo and Paolo Malknecht, Comune di Basiglio - Milano 3, Italy ; António Gamito Chaínho, Municipio de Grândola, Portugal ; Jean-Paul Martinerie, Ville de Châtenay-Malabry, France ; André Rossinot, Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy, France ; Perry Nativ, Raanana Municipality, Israel ; Ciaran Byrne, Fingal County Council, Ireland ; Mongiardo Giuseppe, Comune di Bareggio, Italy ; Stephan Hugo Winter, Hanseatic City of Hamborg, Germany ; Rua Lino de Carvalho, Camara Municipal do Seixal, Portugal ; José Ramón Martinez Perea, Ajuntament de Rivas Vaciamadrid, Spain


Mayors’ Session
(Thursday 20 May, 17.30)


Emilio D’Alessio, Former President of Local Agenda 21 Italy and former Vice Mayor of Ancona, Italy ; Denis Baupin, Deputy Mayor for Environment, Paris, France ; Alain Juppé, Mayor of Bordeaux , Former Prime Minister, France ; Michel Delebarre, Former Minister of State; Mayor of Dunkerque; President of the Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque; Chair of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion (COTER); Committee of the Regions ; Klaus Bondam, Mayor for the Employment and Integration Administration, Copenhagen, Denmark (former Deputy Mayor for Environment) ; Stephan Hugo Winter, Hanseatic City of Hamborg, Germany ; Emanuele Burgin, Province of Bologna; President of Agende 21 Locali Italiane, Italy ; Michel Destot, President of AMGVF; Mayor of Grenoble, France ; Ousmane Dramé, Municipality of Nioro du Rip, Senegal ; Zvonimir Mršić, Mayor, Koprivnica, Croatia



P6- Next Climate Conference – COP16 in Mexico: Responsibilities ahead for local and national governments
(Friday 19 May, 9.30-11.00)

Alex Taylor, Journalist and professional moderator ; István László Bart, Policy Officer, Adaptation unit, DG Climate Action; Michel Delebarre, Former Minister of state: Mayor of Dunkerque; President of the Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque; President of the Coter Commission of the Committee of the Regions ; Ronan Dantec, Deputy Mayor of Nantes; President of working group on climate change, Eurocities, France ; Michel Destot, President of AMGVF; Mayor of Grenoble, France ; Yunus Arikan, Director, Cities Climate Center; Focal point for local governments at the UNFCCC, Bonn, Germany


P7- A Europe of sustainable cities
(Friday 19 May, 9.30-11.00)

Michel Delebarre,  Former Minister of State; Mayor of Dunkerque; President of the Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque; Chair of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion (COTER), Committee of the Regions ; Gaye Doganoglu, Chair of the Committee on Sustainable Development, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe ; Francisco Cadarso, Senior Advisor, Spanish Ministry for the Environment ; Jo Leinen, Member of European Parliament ; Janez Potočnik, Commissioner for Environment, European Commission ; Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Regional Policy, European Commission