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The Maison 3d

The Maison 3d is a pedagogical centre dedicated entirely to the education on sustainable development and the environment.

Categoria: Sustainability corner

Educational network for the coastal environment

The Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque has implemented permanent structures for an educational network within its information and education policy on environment and sustainable development.

Categoria: Sustainability corner

In Dunkerque, two buses run on hythane

Two vehicles from the network DK’Bus have covered several thousands of kilometres since the 1st of December 2008. No mechanical incidents have been recorded, the test drivers are very satisfied, the energetic output remains...

Categoria: Sustainability corner

Agora deadline on 31 March 2010

We will welcome your application for a presentation space in the Agora and invite you to complete the application form in the  'Contribute to the Programme (Agora)' section.

Categoria: International

Final Invitation to Dunkerque now available!

Several speakers have already confirmed their attendance! We invite you to download the Final Invitation available in the Programme section for a detailed version of the programme and more information to help you prepare your...

Categoria: International