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Dunkerque Grand Littoral

Local facts

The Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque comprises 18 communities including areas of coastal Flanders and the whole coast of the Nord department.

The Metropolitan Council is a territory, as well as a melting pot of urban and rural entities and mostly of secular identities. While sometimes diverging from one another, they always unite and rally around a feeling of belonging to a single community, combining their energy for a common goal ...

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Calendar of events

« June - 2010 »
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06 07 08 09 10 11 12
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Dunkerque : Sustainability corner

For many years now, the urban Community of Dunkerque has been working to achieve a final objective: educate the public on the issues surrounding sustainable development, getting them involved, and encouraging citizen action on a collective and individual level.

In order to successfully achieve this, the urban Community of Dunkerque is involved in its own right in a number of National and European initiatives (thematic weeks), but has also created its own events, equipment and citizen awareness initiatives.

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