Does local sustainable development offer chances to overcome the current economic, social and environmental global challenges? Can a new sense of responsible leadership and integrated vision lead our cities to more sustainable solutions?
The three days of the conference will be dedicated to engaging in a political and strategic reflection as to how local sustainability offers chances to overcome the impacts of the global economic, social and environmental crisis at the local level and how it can be further implemented in Europe under the actual political frameworks.
The programme will seek to maximize discussion and interactions among speakers and participants through original session formats and methodologies. The Agora will allow a large number of participants to share their experiences at the conference.
We invite you to download the Final Invitation for more information about the conference. This document includes a detailed version of the programme as well as more information to help you prepare your trip to Dunkerque.
The Final Invitation is available in English Français Deutsch Italiano Español
9.00 |
Opening Plenary |
Parallel sessions B |
Panel discussion |
Break |
13:00 |
Key Plenary |
Cooperation debate |
Outlook Plenary |
Lunch |
14.30 |
Interactive Debates |
Key plenary |
Break |
18:00 |
Parallel sessions A |
Ceremonial Plenary |
19.00 |
Evening reception & dinner |
Mayors' Session Dining in Dunkerque |