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French Partners

Partners Programs

French press partners

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CUD (Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque)

The Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque is a French intercommunal structure which includes 18 municipalities in the Nord department and the region Nord-Pas-de-Calais. It is an industrial and seaport conurbation which has chosen to develop its industrial character in harmony with the people and their environment. Sustainable development is thus the common thread in policy documents relating to local development including the 2000-2015 Strategic Plan for the Conurbation. As a result, sustainable development is applied to all public policies (health, transport, education, culture, water, energy, waste, economic development, town planning, etc.).


ICLEI's mission is to build and serve a worldwide movement of local governments to achieve tangible improvements in global sustainability through cumulative local actions. The association runs campaigns and projects, provides technical consulting and organises activities for local government to share their knowledge and advance towards local sustainability. Over 1100 local governments and their associations worldwide comprise ICLEI's growing membership, from which 200 are in Europe.

Co-organised by the ESCT Campaign Partners


The Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+) is an international network of members who share the common aim of promoting the sustainable consumption of resources and managing of waste through prevention at the source, reuse and recycling. It currently has approximately 90 members, mainly local and regional authorities as well as national networks of local authorities representing around 750 municipalities.

City of Aalborg

With its 190,000 inhabitants, Aalborg is Denmark's third-largest city. The Aalborg Charter is one of the most famous policy statements for local sustainable development world-wide. It gave birth to the Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign in 1994. More than 2500 local and regional governments from 40 countries have committed themselves to the goals of the Aalborg Charter, thereby participating in this unique European Campaign. The Aalborg Commitments were approved at the Aalborg+10 conference in 2004 and were signed by more then 600 local governments across Europe.

Diputació de Barcelona

Barcelona Provincial Council is a local government institution that promotes the progress and welfare of the public within its territorial boundaries. It regroups 311 municipalities and currently works by providing services and by co-operating with the councils in different areas such as economic development, urban planning, education, culture, natural areas, public health and environment.


The Council of European Municipalities and Regions CEMR is the largest organisation of local and regional governments in Europe; its 50+ members are national associations of towns, municipalities and regions from over 37 countries, representing some 100,000 local and regional authorities. CEMR works to promote a united Europe that is based on local and regional self government and democracy. Sustainable development has become one of the key priorities of CEMR; both in influencing law and policy as well as in supporting voluntary initiatives in different policy areas such as integrated environmental management, energy efficiency, mobility and social inclusion.

Climate Alliance

The Climate Alliance is Europe's largest city network dedicated to the protection of the global climate. 1400 cities, municipalities and districts as well as provinces, NGOs and further organisations from 17 European countries are members of Climate Alliance, representing around 50 million European citizens. The association was founded in 1990 as a partnership between European cities and indigenous rainforest peoples. Members seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within a framework set by a voluntary commitment, notably in the fields of energy and transportation.

Cordinamento Italiano

The Italian Association for Local Agenda 21 consists of mainly Italian local authorities (municipalities, provinces, regions, natural parks, mountain areas, and supporters) whose main objective is to promote principles and practices of Local Agenda 21 and sustainable development and to foster the exchange of information and experiences between its 400 members. The Association seeks to promote the Local Agenda 21 process in order to achieve sustainable development through the integration of economic, social and environmental aspects in accordance with the Aalborg, Goteborg and Ferrara Charters


Energie-Cités is a non-profit association of European local authorities that aims to promote the role and importance of local governments in launching and implementing clean energy policy for sustainable development. Energie-Cités has close to 200 members in 26 countries, representing more than 1000 towns and cities, inter-municipal structures, local energy management agencies, municipal companies and groups of municipalities.

City of Malmö

Malmö is located in the South-West of Sweden. With about 270,000 inhabitants (650,000 in the metropolitan area) it is the third largest city of Sweden, and one of the earliest cities to industrialize. Since 1998 the city's investments in its sustainable infrastructural development have increased dramatically, for Malmö aims to establish an ecologically sustainable city. The programme has included the conversion and extension of certain districts in accordance with ecological principles, expansion of bicycle paths, creation of wetlands and many more activities.


Medcities is a network of over 26 Mediterranean coastal towns and cities belonging to 20 different countries. The main objective of Medcities is to examine the problems, constraints and needs of the Mediterranean coastal towns concerning environmental protection and management and to solve them in the framework of a sustainable development. The Medcities network is a tool to strengthen the environmental management capability of local administrations, but it is also useful to identify where a common action could be the most useful means to improve regional environmental conditions.

REC (Environmental Center for Eastern and Central Europe)

The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) is an international organisation with the mission to assist Central and Eastern European governments in solving environmental problems. The REC is legally based on a charter signed by the governments of 29 countries and the European Commission. The REC promotes cooperation among governments, non-governmental organisations, businesses and other environmental stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of information and public participation in environmental decision making.

UBC (Union of the Baltic Cities)

The Union of the Baltic Cities’ aim is to promote and strengthen cooperation and exchange of experience among the cities in the Baltic Sea Region. It is a constantly growing organisation with currently 107 members in all ten countries surrounding the Baltic Sea. The Commission on Environment aims to increase cooperation and exchange of best practice among UBC member cities and with other networks and actors in the field of environmental protection.

Partner institutions

Committee of the Regions

The Committee of the Regions (CoR) is the political assembly that provides the regional and local levels with a voice in EU policy development and EU legislation.

The CoR has 344 members representing 27 countries, all members being elected leaders or key players in local or regional authorities in their home region. The European Commission, Council and Parliament consult the CoR on issues with regional and local implications. Sustainable development is high on the CoR’s agenda.

French institutions

The European Union

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 27 member state. The EU has some of the highest environment standards in the world, developed over decades to address a wide range of issues. Today the main priorities are combating climate change, preserving biodiversity, reducing health problems from pollution and using natural resources more responsibly. While aimed at protecting the environment, these goals can contribute to economic growth by fostering innovation and enterprise.

The French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable development and the Sea

The Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable development and the Sea is the French government institution in charge of national environmental policies. Its main objectives are to take on the challenge of climate change, create a responsible economic growth for a sustainable future, introduce new responsible ways of producing and consuming, preserve biodiversity and environmental quality, and encourage sustainable construction. The ministry aims at involving all socio-economic actors and all citizens to achieve these goals in order to create a more participative society.

Conseil Régional Nord-Pas-de-Calais 

The region Nord-Pas-de-Calais was established as a territorial authority in 1982 and is made up of two departments: the Nord and the Pas-de-Calais. The Region has been implementing sustainable development for many years: it has developed an integrated sustainable development plan with the ultimate goal to transform the politics, encourage and accompany local actors in their actions. The region has also implemented a regional planning and development scheme which aims at promoting the principles of sustainable development in the whole of the regional territory.

Conseil Général du Nord

The Nord is one of the two departments of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. It is also the most heavily populated department of France, with a population of more than 2,500,000. The working areas of the Conseil Général du Nord include among others housing, planning of the territory, transport, teaching and environment. Within the area of environment, the Conseil Général du Nord concentrates on fresh water distribution, sanitation, waste management, natural and green areas, tourist planning.

Ville de Dunkerque

The first French harbour on the North Sea and Europe’s first energy platform, Dunkerque is the centre of a metropolitan area with 210,000 inhabitants. It combines its industrial and harbour traditions with “sustainable development”, a concept which has been awarded first place within Europe. Dunkerque’s activities for the environment are numerous: the creation of a Council on Sustainable Development (Conseil du Développement Durable), the usage thermal imaging to considerably reduce heat and energy loss, a charter on waste management, the implementation of waste sorting, etc.


ADEME assists with the implementation of public policies in the areas of environment, energy and sustainable development. The agency  offers its expertise and advice to businesses, local governments, public authorities and the general public. It supports the financing of research and the implementation of projects and programmes in following areas: waste management, soil conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, air quality and noise pollution control.

The Caisse des Dépôts group

The Caisse des Dépôts group is a public group, a long term investor serving general public interest and the economic development of the country. A creator of sustainable solutions, it is constantly devising new ways to support national and local public policies. The Caisse des Dépôts group implements all of its financial leverage and services to accelerate the development of towns towards a more viable and liveable model: eco neighbourhoods, eco campuses, energy saving homes, etc…

Partner networks

ADF (Assemblée des Départements de France)

The ADF brings together the 102 departmental councils and authorities of Metropolitan France and overseas territories. The association represents the French departments towards European, national and local authorities and seeks to raise awareness about their competencies and activities. ADF has several commissions on different themes such as economic development, social integration, decentralised cooperation, sustainable development and agriculture, etc.

AFCCRE (Association Française du Conseil des Communes et Régions d’Europe)

The AFCCRE includes today nearly 2000 local authorities, municipalities, departments, regions and districts. It is the French section of the Council for European Municipalities and Regions, a European organisation gathering more than 100,000 local authorities in Europe. For its members, the AFCCRE has created commissions and working groups, by theme, and among them is the "Environment and Sustainable Development" commission. It aims to facilitate exchanges between territories, especially in dealing with regulations.

AMF (Association des Maires de France)

The French Mayors Association counts 35 000 mayors and chairpersons of inter-municipal bodies in France and is therefore the main representative body of local authorities. The Association aims at assisting mayors in their local policies and management and advising them on how to secure their citizens’ best interests. For this purpose it serves as both representation of local authorities and a source of information in several areas, including education, culture, environment and sustainable development.

AMGVF (Association des Maires de Grandes Villes de France)

This network of over 95 members has brought together the Mayors and Presidents of the largest cities and agglomerations of France (cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants). The association seeks to defend the rights of large cities and their citizens, by participating in parliamentary debates on their behalf. The Association is organized into commissions according to themes, one of which centres around Urban Sustainable Development and the Environment.

Association des maires ville & banlieue de France

The Association of Mayors for Cities and Suburbs of France is the only association that groups that brings together outlying communities of the main cities and suburban areas of France. The association gathers cities of 5,000 to 100,000 inhabitants, suburban cities, and their elected representatives. Within the association, working groups consult experts, fuel the discussion, and prepare the association’s stance on local financing, urban renewal, security, transport, and education issues.

APVF (L’Association des petites villes de France):

The APVF, association of small towns of France (population between 3,000 and 20,000) brings together over 1000 small towns in every department in France and overseas territories. The association provides a voice for small towns, a support network for elected municipals, and a framework for sharing experiences and information. The APVF obtains concrete results in all sectors of local life: public services, local finances, inter-community co-operation, and representation. Areas of action include among others health, sustainable development, environment, and waste management.

ACUF (Communautés Urbaines de France)

Originally created in 1985 as the Association of Presidents of Metropolitan Councils, the ACUF is today a network for the16 metropolitan areas of France. Its purpose is to address the experiences of metropolitan areas and to acknowledge their central role in the organisation of the territory. The association works in different field such as finances, institutional organisation, housing, communication, urban planning, public services, sustainable development strategies, etc.

FMVM (Fédération des maires des villes moyennes)

The FMVM is an association that brings together the mayors of medium sized cities (population between 20,000 and 100,000) and the presidents of public institutions for intercommunity cooperation that bring together medium sized towns. Created in 1988, the FMVM now has 186 members. The network is a tool for information sharing, and the exchange of practice and experiences to assist members with local decision making and management.

AIVP (International Association Cities and Ports)

The AIVP is an international network of 200 public and private actors involved in the evolution process of port cities. The association aims at creating a permanent structure for the exchange of information and contacts among its members. Sustainable development is an important topic for these cities and actors and the AIVP provides its members with information in various fields pertaining to sustainability, including environment, economy, transport, regional planning, architecture and city planning.

Les Eco Maires

Les Eco Maires acts with and for approximately 1900 towns, cities, and institutions which establish and promote environmental and sustainable development concerns as a political priority. The organisation aims to promote the best local experiences and to encourage all sorts of action at the municipal level in order to bring consumption and production to a more sustainable level.

Maison européenne des pouvoirs locaux français

The European House of French Local Authorities has been created by the 5 largest national associations of locally elected representatives in order to structure, amplify and co-ordinate their activities at EU level. It aims at ensuring a strong presence of the associations of French locally elected representatives on the EU scene. Areas under close scrutiny: public services and transports,  inter-cities co-operation, waste, decentralised co-operation, regional policy, rural and urban policies, energy and environment.

French partners

ATMO (The French Federation of Certified Associations for the air quality Monitoring)

The ATMO federation represents 38 certified associations for the monitoring of the air quality (surveillance de la qualité de l’air AASQA). The different interest groups which are represented include the prefects and state services, local and regional authorities, environmental protection and consumer associations. Its main objectives are the implementation of air quality monitoring,the provision of information and dissemination of results and forecasts.

CNFPT (French National Centre for the Management of Territorial Service)

The French national centre for the management of territorial service is a public institution for local and regional authorities and their employees. It is in charge of training the entire staff of the local authorities. The CNFT supports projects carried out by the authorities in a constantly evolving territorial environment – devolution, demographic challenges, the emergence of new jobs and intercommunal cooperation. 

CERDD (Resource Centre for Sustainable Development)

The Resource Centre for Sustainable Development is the second public interest group for the environment in France. Its objectives are to promote sustainable territorial developments and to raise awareness about sustainable development in the region of Nord Pas-de-Calais. Sustainable development, habitat and urban planning, and the relationship between businesses and sustainable territorial development are subject to detailed research, regional working groups, publications and meetings.

FNAU (National Federation of the Public Urban Planning Agencies)

The National Federation of the Public Urban Planning Agencies brings together 52 public institutes on planning and developing large French agglomerations. The FNAU is an association of elected representatives which offers a priviledged space for discussion on urban issues. It also defends its members’ interests in large national and European debates on urban politics, and is a source of information for large associations dealing with urban planning and development.


First international Graduate School of Business and Management in France, the ISCID gives students the opportunity to learn and develop in a multicultural environment. Degrees offered at ISCID include a Bachelor as well as a Post Graduate degree in International Management & Business Studies. Master degrees include logistic and international transport, port and airport management and international marketing.

The Dunkerque Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI Dunkerque)

The Dunkerque Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI Dunkerque) is the second oldest institution of its type in France. It offers a space of exchange for businesses providing them with a legal setting and allowing them to raise issues with public authorities. Its objectives are to promote and develop economic activities in its constituency by supporting the creation and development of businesses, providing training, informing businesses and defending the general interest of the economy.

SNDG (National Syndicate of General Directors of local authorities)

The National Syndicate of General Directors of Local Authorities, which was created in 1948, is a professional organization that brings together leaders of local authorities and management centers (including Director Generals for Services, Deputy General Directors, Management staff for the National Center for territorial civil service, and retired representatives from these categories). The Syndicate has 4000 members, of which over 3000 are actively involved. The organisation is structured according to regional unions which are subdivided by departmental section.


WWF is the world’s leading independent conservation organisation, a global network working in more than 90 countries with over 1,200 environmental projects. It aims to build concrete conservation solutions through a combination of field based projects, policy initiatives, capacity building and education work. In carrying out its work and to enhance WWF's effectiveness, WWF cooperates with many organizations, governments, businesses and stakeholders, including local communities and indigenous peoples.

Partners Programs

RES Champions League

The RES Champions League is a positive renewable energy competition between cities, towns and villages, based on a network of national RES leagues. National RES leagues already exist in Bulgaria, Czech republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Poland. The RES Champions League is open to more national leagues!